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CMS Coding: Home


Start by choosing simple drag and drop coding games from the hour of code website.  This will give you a basic understanding of how coding works.  Play these games until you feel comfortable with coding and are ready to move to the next level.

Coding with Scratch


Scratch icon

With Scratch, you can program your own interactive stories, games, and animations. You will need to see Mrs. Deck or Mrs. Allen for instruction in how to set up your online scratch account. You also need to have a signed web 2.0 form from the beginning of the school year.



Now that you are familiar with coding, try writing some code of your own!  Khan academy will walk you through tutorials and basic activities to start writing code. You can also use code studio found at The link is listed below. For both Khan academy and Code Studio sign in using your district Google signin. Your username will be Your password will be your district password.

Programming the EV3 and Spheros Robots

iPad APPs for programming Sphero (If you are getting apps on your phone select the phone version of the app)


Sphero Drive and Draw


Sphero Macrolab

SPRK Lightning Lab

Sphero Golf

EV3 Brick Programming Tutorials

Tutorial 1

EV3 User guide
