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CMS Reading: Realistic Fiction Project Resources

Site to support 7th grade reading curriculum and self selection of books


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Ressler Voicethread Class

Workflow Directions

Day 2

  1. Everyone logs into Google Drive to finish text and images.
  2. Each group will decide on a theme or background color. 
  3. The group leader will download the presentation. (File -> download as powerpoint)
  4. The group leader will open the presentation using Powerpoint and convert it to images (File-> save as images).
  5. All group members log into Voicethread
  6. The group leader leader will upload the slides from the downloaded presentation. (Create -> Upload -> From my computer -> select the folder of saved images from Powerpoint)
  7. The group leader leader will save and share voicethread to class.
  8. All group members will record your script on your voicethread slide for your signpost. (My Voice -> select your group voicethread -> find your slide -> click on Comment -> click Allow -> record your script).

Day 1

  1. Find your class below and click on the class and book link.
  2. Log into Voicethread.
  3. All group members should log into Google Drive.
  4. The group leader will create a Google presentation/slides and name it your book title.
  5. The group leader will share the presentation with every group member, your teacher and Mrs. Allen.
  6. Each group member will type their signpost and name in the title block. Then type the quote and page number in the text block.
  7. Each group member will use Flickr creative commons or Google images with licensing rights selected to find an image. 


Subject Guide

Mrs. Allen