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HHS Social Studies Grade 10: News Literacy

Websites to if information is true or not true

5 Criteria for Evaluating Information

News/Media Literacy Checklist

Authority:  Who made this?

  1. Consider the source. Who created the message or article?
  2. Check the author. Another tell-tale sign of a fake story is often the byline. Who are they?
    1. Check About and About me pages: Don’t believe everything they say about themselves.
    2. Website: Is the website (which has posted it) reputable?
    3. Interrogate urls:  do a little investigating – fake sites look like a valid URL
  3. Think outside the reliability box: Don’t rely on traditional ideas of what is and isn’t reliable.
  4. What exactly are you reading?:  Identify what type of writing you are reading.


Bias (Purpose):  Why was this made?

  1. Read beyond the headline: Who is the message intended for? (audience, demographic)
  2. Do you suspect bias?: Is there media bias or personal bias from the author?
  3. What purpose is evident?: examine financial contributions of sources
  4. Differentiate: between verifiable facts and stated opinions.
  5. Suspect the sensational
  6. Check your own biases - Are you paying more attention to what confirms your own beliefs?
  7. Is this some kind of joke? Is this supposed to be Satire or Humor?


Accuracy (Reliability):  How was this made?  What is missing?

  1. What’s the support?: Where can you go to locate more accurate information?
  2. Code: check for code words and euphemisms. Reread with real words in their place
  3. Consult the experts. - Always cross check with other reputable sources.
  4. What’s Missing?: Pay attention to what is AND isn't said.
  5. Is it Believable?: Does this (posting) seem believable on a basic level?
  6. Go back to the source: When an article mentions a study, if you can, go directly to the sourc.
  7. Triangulate: Try to verify the information in multiple sources, including traditional media and library databases.


Relevancy:  Where do I go from here?

  1. Read entire piece:  After reading, write a real headline that summarizes article for yourself

2.     Use a little energy: Have you done your due diligence in validating the information.

3.     Stop before you forward (or use)!

4.     Be suspicious of pictures!:  Google reverse image search.


Currency:  When was this made?

  1. Check the date.
  2. Put everything in context. Historical. Regional. Context matters.
  3. Go back to the story again (and again): Breaking news will continue to break.



is information that is false, but the person who is disseminating it believes that it is true.(6)


 is information that is based on reality but is used to inflict harm on a person, organization or country.(7)



How to Spot Fake