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HHS Social Studies Grade 9: News Bias

Hempfield High School

News Bias

Essential Question: Why is it important to know that a source of information may be biased?

Watch this video before the lesson


Media Bias Fact Check


Helpful Definitions

Bias- "prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair" (Bias).   - unfairly showing favoritism towards something or someone

A Left bias is the most liberal media bias rating on the political spectrum. Some of these sources may be considered "left-wing news" (AllSides).

A Right media bias is the most conservative rating on the political spectrum. Some of these sources or writers may be considered "right-wing news" (AllSides).





AllSides. 2019, Accessed 4 Dec. 2019.


"Bias." Lexico, 2019,

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