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G.R.A.P.E.S. of Civilization: Achievements

Research guide supporting the GRAPES Country Portfolio project for S.S. 7


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Step 1: Find Your Information


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The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Open Access Collection


The Metropolitan Museum of Art. 2024.

about-the-met/policies-and-documents/open-access.Accessed24 Feb.2024

Searching the Met- Tutorial Video

Step 2: Write your Script.




Step 3: Add slides to your Canva Presentation

Slide Requirements:

Slide 1- Achievements Overview (Include a title referencing achievement, and 1-2 images with captions)

Slide 2- Artifacts- Include images and titles for each museum artifact. (All on one slide, or create a different slide for each artifact.)

Slide 3 (Advanced only)- Create a slide for your museum recommendation.

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